Business Opportunities
We are interested in working with the community. There are many ways you can do business with us:
So you want to supply MHMR with goods and services?
MHMR contracts with businesses in the community to provide goods and services to run our agency efficiently to serve those most in need.
Do you want to become a MHMR provider?
Contracts for community-based services for the people we serve are generally acquired through a request for proposal (RFP) or Open Enrollment process.
Are you a current MHMR provider?
Learn more about provider relations.
Do you want MHMR to be part of your provider network?
MHMR wants to be part of your provider network.
MHMR contracts with providers to better serve the community.
Contracts for community-based services are generally acquired through a RFP or Open Enrollment process. Qualified providers are encouraged to submit applications in one or more of the following open enrollment categories for which they are qualified.
Note: All contractors must follow all federal, state and local regulations.
Current Contracting Opportunities
Early Childhood Intervention
Provider Application for a Business
Provider Application for an Individual
HOPES Provider Information
Grants Provider Manual
Provider Attestation Form
Mental Health Services
Prior Year MH Contract Service Providers
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Open Enrollment Application
Other provider services
If you are interested in providing other services for MHMR, contact us.
We value the relationship we have with our providers. The resources below will link to manuals, forms and other vital information.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Family Contract Forms
- Table of Contents
- Table of Contents – Spanish
- Training Packet
- Training Packet – Spanish
- Contract
- Contract – Spanish
- Compliance Plan Acknowledge Form
- Compliance Plan Acknowledge Form – Spanish
- Consent To Background Investigation
- Consent To Background Investigation – Spanish
Behavioral Health
Early Childhood Intervention
The Purchasing Department maintains a database of prospective bidders. The database is updated periodically to identify new suppliers in the marketplace. Purchasing staff may request price quotes by telephone, followed by written confirmation.
How do I get started?
- Check out our Open Bids below
- Suppliers who wish to do business with MHMR may email us to be added to our vendor database. Complete the Vendor Business Information Packet and submit to the MHMR Purchasing Department via email at [email protected] or fax it to 817-810-3100.
Doing business with MHMR:
- MHMR is an active supporter of minority business development and is committed to increasing its purchases from minority and women-owned businesses.
- The State of Texas actively promotes the use of Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) vendors for all governmental entities and agencies. The State Comptroller’s Office has more information about the HUB Program Link. HUB Certification is free and offers more opportunities to work with government agencies.
- MHMR assumes no liability for payments or obligations except those incurred in accordance with current MHMR purchasing procedures.
Need Help?
Purchasing Department staff are available to explain purchasing procedures or regulations at 817-569-4326
MHMR Services:
- Add MHMR to your provider network
- Click here to see our development plan
MHMR has developed an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) Utilization Report, and it is available for review on our website HERE