Disability Services:
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
MHMR provides a wide variety of information and services to people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and their families. Disability Services serves as the first point of contact for publicly funded IDD programs, whether the program is provided by a public agency or private entity. Additionally, some direct services are provided for those who are eligible.
MHMR has a strong commitment to providing support and information to people with IDD, their families and providers. Sometimes the IDD services system can get confusing, but you can be sure MHMR is here to help.
Intellectual Disability: a condition characterized by significant limitations in intellectual or cognitive functioning, plus significant difficulties with personal skills, such as communication, selfcare, social skills and financial management.
Developmental Disability: conditions that begin usually before age 18 years of age, that impact daily living skills, such as reasoning, mobility, language, and independent living. Examples include:
- Intellectual Disability (ID)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Cerebral Palsy
- Down Syndrome
Step One: Contact the ICARE Call Center for a phone interview. The ICARE Call Center operates 24/7/365 and can be reached at (817) 335-3022 or (800) 866-2465 for toll free.
Step Two: If you are referred for Disability Services, you will be contacted to schedule an Intake appointment. Bring the following required documentation with you to this appointment:
- Proof of residence
- Proof of Income (for the person if over 18, for the parent and person if under 18)
- Proof of Insurance
- Social Security Card
- Picture ID or Driver’s License
- Guardianship Papers
- Proof of Diagnosis or Disability (if available)
Step Three: You will attend your Intake appointment and will have a follow up appointment scheduled later for financial and diagnostic eligibility determinations.
Step Four: If you are eligible for particular services, you will be referred and your Intake Service Coordinator will assist you with the transition to your next program.
Call or text our ICARE Call Center, 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year:
(800) 866-2465
TTY: (817) 569-4488
ICARE Services offered:
- Emergency mental health services
- Urgent care
- Crisis follow-up
- Relapse prevention
- Support and reassurance
- Information and referral
- Crisis intervention services
- Screenings and intakes
If you have a medical emergency, call 911.
For over 20 years, ABG has been known for timely work, and excellent customer service. Customers across Tarrant County rely on ABG to fulfill mailroom and service needs with reliability, attention-to-detail, and ability to customize jobs.
ABG is a group of businesses that has been created to support people with disabilities to work and earn money in a noncompetitive work environment. These businesses consist of ABG Fulfillment, Document Destruction and Vending services.
- ABG Fulfillment: Assembly and packaging for various businesses across the U.S. This business employs 28 workers with disabilities.
- Document Destruction: Provide bins to businesses that need paper documents destroyed on a regular basis. A driver and a worker pick up full bins from businesses, which are brought back to ABG to complete destruction. This business employs six workers with disabilities.
- Vending services: ABG provides snack and soda machines to businesses and the machines are filled regularly. This business employs two workers with disabilities.
ABG is always open to new business opportunities and contracting locally and across the U.S.
To inquire on ABG’s services, call 817-569-4800.
Day Habilitation is an opportunity for people with IDD to participate more fully in community life and make connections with other people. People who attend day habilitation participate in volunteer activities, continued learning, gardening, skill-building, exercise at YMCA, and many other meaningful activities.
ABG Fulfillment is a business within day habilitation programming created to promote work skills and independence for people with IDD. Participants are able to work a part-time schedule in the fulfillment business while at day habilitation, work includes assembly, packaging, and other added value products. An assessment is necessary in order to join the fulfillment team, as seats are limited. All people who work at ABG Fulfillment make minimum wage per hour.
Day Habilitation and ABG Fulfillment at MHMR:
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
2716 Cullen St.
Fort Worth, TX 76107
MHMR is committed to supporting people and their families to identify what is important to them and what is available to reach these goals. We believe everyone should have a say about what their life looks like, and a plan for how to obtain their goals.
For your support, the Advocacy & Support Services staff is available to meet with people who have been diagnosed with a disability, as well as their family and supporting members. The Advocacy & Support staff includes a family member of a person with a disability and one self-advocate.
The staff assist with:
- Discussing services that are the best fit for the person with the person and family/caregivers.
- Information about local support groups and activities
- Mentoring families as they prepare for meetings about Admission, Review, and Dismissal
- Negotiate concerns with service providers
- Help families and agencies to understand the Disability Services system
- Participate in community meetings to help direct services
- Educate people in services and their supports about rights in different settings
- Collaborate with Service Coordinator and external agencies
- Educate people of how to advocate for their desires and needs
Non-waiver Community First Choice (CFC) provides home and community based personal assistance services, habilitation, and other supports.
Program Overview
Non-waiver community First Choice is a self-directed, state funded program that supports people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in living as independently as possible in their communities. CFC provides certain services and supports through managed care organizations (MCOs) to persons living in the community who are enrolled in the Medicaid program and meet CFC eligibility requirements.
- Personal Assistant Services: Assistance with activities of daily living or health-related tasks.
- Habilitation services including the learning, maintaining, and improving the skills necessary to accomplish activities of daily living and health-related tasks.
- Emergency Response Service (ERS) is designed to assist individuals who do not require supervision during the day or are alone for large parts of the day and are cognitively able to recognize an emergency. It provides backup systems and supports to ensure continuity of services and supports device provided and monitored.
- Support Management voluntary training on how to select, manage, and dismiss paid attendants.
- Information and referrals to other community resources.
- Support and reassurance through monthly service coordinator visits.
- Must have an intellectual or developmental disability.
- Must require an institutional level of care: needing help with activities of daily living such as dressing; eating; and bathing.
- Must live in Tarrant County and be eligible for Medicaid.
Call the ICARE Call Center to enroll or for more information.
Non-waiver CFC is funded by the State of Texas and will not draw from participants’ Medicaid plan funds.
Community First Choice participants may also be enrolled in Medicaid waiver programs such as Texas Home Living and HCS. CFC is funded by the state of Texas and will not draw from participants’ Medicaid plan funds.
MHMR Tarrant is partnering with Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (Amerigroup, Cigna, etc) to provide CFC services. For details: Amerigroup 1-800-600-4441; Cigna HealthSpring 1-877-966-9272; Aetna 1-877-782-6440; Cooks 1-800-964-2247. 211 to contact any MCO.
Note: The Community First Choice program does not include room and board, special education, assistive devices, technology services, medical supplies or equipment, transportation, nor home modifications.
The Disability Services (DS) Crisis team will work with you, your family, provider, and the important people in your life to learn what happens that leads you to be in crisis. We are not a permanent service, but we will work with you and your team to support you before, during and after crisis events. This team focusses on the person’s strengths and assists the team in communicating better. Our goal is to help build skills for your team to use when crises arise. This program is designed to divert unnecessary emergency service use, hospitalization and institutionalization. Another goal of the Crisis Team is to not just “fix” mental illness but to promote mental wellness in the lives of the people we serve. The Crisis Team uses a positive psychology, strengths-based approach with all the people we support. The main services offered by the program are:
- Systemic consultation
- Outreach, training and education to community mental health partners
- Crisis Planning and Support 24/7
- Therapeutic Supports and skills training for parents and support systems
- Collaborative care case management
Crisis Intervention Specialist (CIS)
- The Crisis Intervention Specialist provides information and facilitates access to services for people with IDD and their support systems. The crisis intervention specialist collaborates with ICARE, Mobile Crisis Outreach Team, Transition Support Team and Service Coordination to assist people who are at risk of needing crisis support. The primary services offered by the program are:
- Development of individualized crisis prevention strategies
- Training and outreach to community members to increase awareness of IDD/MH
- Navigating intake and access for people not yet connected to any services
- Crisis support available 24/7 via collaboration with START and OBI programs
- Navigates In-Home or Out-of-home Crisis Respite for people in behavioral health crisis.
To access: Call the ICARE Call Center at 817-335-3022 or speak with your Service Coordinator to ask for a referral.
MHMR coordinates open groups each month for women and men who have disabilities. It is not a requirement to be served in MHMR services. The group provides:
- Health and quality of life education as well information of community resources through speakers
- Crafts
- Games
- Fellowship
Groups occur 12-1 p.m.; lunch may be provided or it could be bring your own lunch. For more information about these groups, contact Kendra Kerbow at 817-569-4026 or [email protected]
The Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions program provides residential and habilitation services to people with intellectual disabilities or a related condition.
Staff helps people with life skills and community outings, including daily trips to our Adult Day Activities and Work Skills Training centers.
There are many options across Tarrant County for people looking for ICF home choices. Visit Texas Health and Human Services’ ICF home search for more information on openings at MHMR and other providers.
- Adult Day Activities Centers
- Medical
- Residential
- Skills training (Active Treatment)
- Specialized therapy
- Transportation
- Social Security Administration must have determined you to have a disability
- Determination of intellectual disability made in accordance with state law or diagnosed by a physician as having a related condition
- Must be in need of active treatment provided in a supervised 24-hour setting
- Income and resources must not exceed limit
To start the process, contact the MHMR ICARE Call Center at 817-335-3022 and ask for what options are available for group home placement.
MHMR operates 13 certified programs of Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions. Five of our homes are all female and eight are all male. The homes are spread out across Tarrant County.
MHMR provides 24-hour supervision in all aspects of community living in preparation for movement to a less restrictive setting.
These videos give you an opportunity to tour each of our homes:
- Arlington Male 1 (video coming soon)
- Arlington Male 2 (video coming soon)
- Bedford Female 1
- Crowley Female 1
- Forest Hill Male 1 (video coming soon)
- Fort Worth Female 1 (video coming soon)
- Fort Worth Female 2
- Fort Worth Female 3
- Fort Worth Male 1 (video coming soon)
- Fort Worth Male 2
- Fort Worth Male 3
- Fort Worth Male 4 (video coming soon)
- Fort Worth Male 5
Because the demand for community-based services and supports often outweighs available resources, applicant’s names may be placed on an interest list until services are available. However, some needs may be met through other programs until an applicant’s name comes to the top of the list.
Applicants are placed on interest lists on a first-come, first-served basis. When a person’s name comes to the top of the list, he or she will be contacted by a caseworker. When the caseworker determines that someone is eligible, that person will need to choose a provider to deliver services, if he or she has not already done so.
Interest lists for community-based programs are managed either locally or statewide, depending on the program.
- To be added to the Health and Human Services Interest Lists for Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS), Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) and the Medically Dependent Children’s Program (MDCP), call 1-877-438-5658.
- To be added to the Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) interest lists, contact 817-569-4140.
- To compare Long-term Services and Support (LTSS) Programs, visit https://www.hhs.texas.gov/
MHMR offers support for people residing in nursing facilities through the PreAdmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) program. PASRR is a federal program that requires all states to prescreen all people who apply to, or reside in, a Medicaid-certified nursing facility (NF). This screening is intended to ensure that people with a mental illness, intellectual disability or developmental disability diagnosis are receiving all the necessary specialized services.
The PASRR program also assist individuals residing in community setting but are at imminent risk of long-term stay in a nursing facility. This is called a Nursing Facility Diversion. There are certain eligibility requirements for a Nursing Facility Diversion. For additional information fax 855-325-6539.
Habilitation Coordination:
MHMR provides habilitation coordination for anyone residing in a nursing facility. Habilitation Coordinators work collaboratively with the person service planning team to ensure access to appropriate specialized services necessary to achieve a quality of life and level of community participation acceptable to the person and legally authorized representative (LAR) on the person’s behalf.
If you or your loved one needs assistance to identify alternative living options, MHMR helps identify potential residential placement options, based on eligibility. These residential options are funded through Medicaid.
- Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF)
- ICF is a 24-hour residential setting for people with an intellectual disability or a related condition. An individualized plan of care is developed, based on the needs and choices of the person and the person’s family. The unique needs of the person are the focus of the plan of care. Professional staff and other service providers work with the person and the person’s family to develop a plan based on the person’s skills, strengths, and desires. Plans include comprehensive medical and therapy services and skill development programs. Staff helps with daily living activities so the person gains skills to increase independence. There is no waiting list or interest list for this program.
- Home and Community-based Services
- The HCS program provides services to persons with IDD who live with their family, in their own home, in a host home/companion care setting, or in a residence with no more than four persons who also receive services. Services meet the person’s needs so the person can maintain himself or herself in the community and have opportunities to participate as a citizen to the maximum extent possible. Services consist of adaptive aids, minor home modifications, professional therapies, behavioral support, dental treatment, nursing, residential assistance, respite, day habilitation and employment services. Service coordination is provided by the LIDDA. Residents of a host home/companion care setting or an HCS residence pay for their own room and board. There is a limit to the yearly cost of services provided through the HCS program.
- State Supported Living Centers (SSLC)
- SSLCs serve persons with intellectual disabilities who have significant medical or behavioral health needs in a residential campus-based community. SSLCs provide 24-hour residential services, comprehensive behavioral treatment and health care, such as medical, psychiatry, nursing and dental services. Other services include skills training; occupational, physical and speech therapies; adaptive aids; day habilitation, vocational programs and employment services; participation in community activities; and services to maintain connections between residents and their families and natural support systems. SSLCs provide campus-based services and supports at 13 locations: Abilene, Austin, Brenham, Corpus Christi, Denton, El Paso, Lubbock, Lufkin, Mexia, Richmond, Harlingen, San Angelo and San Antonio.
To start the process, contact the MHMR ICARE Call Center at 817-335-3022 and ask for what options are available for out of home placement.
- For more information on all programs listed, contact the ICARE Call Center, available 24 hours a day 365 days a week at 817-335-3022.
- For a description of all Disability Services available
- To compare Long-term Services and Support (LTSS) Programs
- More about specific providers and facilities
- For information of additional state services and resources, contact 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905 or go to 211texas.org
- If you are looking for long-term services or supports for yourself or someone else, you also can contact The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Tarrant County; 1-855-937-2372 or visit tarrantcountyadrc.org.
MHMR provides Service Coordination to anyone in Tarrant County who is in the Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) Waiver, Texas Home Living (Txhml), General Revenue and Community First Choice.
Our Service Coordination team provides you with a support to access MHMR programs and other community resources.
Your Service Coordinator will provider assistance in accessing medical, social, educational and other services to help an individual achieve a quality of life best for the person. Your coordinator will give you a choice of which provider you have to choose from.
Service Coordinators develop a Person Directed Plan that reflect the goals of the person.
Services may include support in the individual home or family home, day habilitation, employment, behavioral, supports and other services that may be available through other agencies.
Respite or relief for the primary care giver also is available.
What is Service Coordination and what can it do for me?
Our Service Coordinators can assist in planning, coordinating, and monitoring service. Call our ICARE Line at 817-355-3022 or 800-866-2465 to learn more.
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) offers many employment services for people with disabilities through Texas Workforce Solutions. MHMR is a certified provider of most of these employment services.
Use the office locator website below to find your local Texas Workforce Solutions office and contact information or if you are currently in services with MHMR of Tarrant County, contact your Service Coordinator.
- Work Readiness
- Work Experience
- Pre-Employment Transition
- Project SEARCH
- Job Placement
- Job Coaching
- Job Skills Training
The Transition Support Team (TST) provides education, training, consultation and technical assistance to providers and caregivers of people receiving Disability Services in Texas who are at risk of or transitioning from institutional settings. Institutional settings may include Nursing Facilities, State Hospitals and State Supported Living Centers.
- Educational activities
- Webinars
- Videos
- De-identified (as needed) case reviews
- Technical assistance, upon request from Local IDD Authorities and providers, on specific disorders and diseases
Our designated service area:
TST will provide support in the service area of the following agencies:
- Betty Hardwick Center
- Center for Life Resources
- Helen Farabee Centers
- Pecan Valley Centers
For more information about TST or to request training, consultation, or any other support, contact [email protected]
- What is Guardianship?
- What about other benefits I may qualify to receive?
- I have heard about programs that have waiting lists. What are those programs?
- I have been on the waiting list for programs. How do I find out if I am still on the list?
- What if I need services immediately?
- What is Service Coordination and what can it do for me?
- What about residential services or group homes?
- Does MHMR have residential programs?
- Does MHMR operate a HCS program or Texas Home Living program?
- What do I need to do to be a residential provider?
- How do I become a foster provider?
- Can I contract with you to open a group home for people with IDD?
- How Do I Choose an HCS Provider?
What is Guardianship?
What about other benefits I may qualify to receive?
MHMR has staff to help with benefit eligibility and knowledge of benefits that can help you find out what benefits may be available to you. We can assist you in the Intake process with applying for those benefits. MHMR of Tarrant County also operates and Aging and Disability Resource Center to help people with other resources. You may drop in or call the ADRC at 1300 Circle Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76119 or call 1-855-937-2372.
I have heard about programs that have waiting lists. What are those programs?
The state operates several Medicaid Waiver programs that serve people with disabilities, including IDD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Call Intake at 817-335-3022 for more information about how to get on the waiting list and a description of these services.
I have been on the waiting list for programs. How do I find out if I am still on the list?
You may call Intake at 817-335-3022 to find out about services you may be waiting to receive.
What if I need services immediately?
People who need immediate help should call Intake for help. There are a number of options that do not have waiting/interest lists. If you are trying to reach us after normal business hours, call our 24-hour referral and crisis hotline, the ICARE Call Center at 817-335-3022 or 800-866-2465.
What is Service Coordination and what can it do for me?
Our Service Coordinators can assist in planning, coordinating, and monitoring service. Call our ICARE Call Center at 817-355-3022 or 800-866-2465 to learn more.
What about residential services or group homes?
Residential services are offered through different programs such as HCS and ICF-IID. Some are available immediately and others are part of programs with waiting lists. We can help you determine which option is best for you and help you connect with those services. Call Intake at 817-335-3022. Tarrant County facilities and openings can also be viewed on Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services’ website.
Does MHMR have residential programs?
Yes, MHMR has ICF group homes and supported home living. You also can find other residential programs available in the community by calling us or the Texas Health and Human Services.
Does MHMR operate a HCS program or Texas Home Living program?
No, MHMR does not operate a Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) Waiver, Texas Home Living (Txhml) program. It does provide Service Coordination to Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) Waiver, Texas Home Living (Txhml) and Community First Choice. You can also our ICARE Call Center at 817-355-3022 or 800-866-2465 to get additional information about other programs.
What do I need to do to be a Residential/Foster or HCS provider?
Visit the HHSC website to learn how to become a HCS Provider.
Can I contract with you to open a group home for people with IDD?
You need to contact the Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services in Austin, 512-438-3011.
How Do I Choose an HCS Provider?
Visit our HCS Virtual Provider Fair
What Do I Need to Become a Provider in the State of Texas?
Learn more about becoming a licensed provider for waiver services in Texas.
I Have Received a Slot into a Waiver Program, So How Do I Choose a Waiver Provider?
Choosing a provider can feel overwhelming. You may visit https://www.hhs.texas.gov/sites/default/files/documents/doing-business-with-hhs/providers/long-term-care/lidda/iddserviceseng.pdf, and on Page 14 you will learn more about identifying questions to ask when selecting the right provider for you and your family. To review more information about providers, you also may visit https://apps.hhs.texas.gov/ltcsearch/.
How to Choose a Provider
You can click on the link below to obtain an Explanation of IDD Service and Support in Texas as well as questions that can assist you in finding a provider.
Explanation of Services and Supports
Adapted Recreation Resources
HCS Virtual Provider Fair

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